Teething is the process by which teeth break through the surface of the gums. It is associated with symptoms that can be very difficult for infants and confusing for parents.
Baby teeth are important
Teeth not only help in chewing food, but also give your child a nice and confident smile. They also help with your child's speech development. The first set of teeth is also important in saving space for permanent teeth.
Teething typically begins when a baby is between six and eight months old, although some children don’t have their first tooth until 12 to 14 months. Tooth emergence may be EARLY or DELAYED.
The two bottom front teeth usually come in first and next to grow in are the two top front teeth (upper incisors). Then, the other incisors, lower and upper molars, canines, and finally the upper and lower second molars erupt. All 20 baby teeth should be in place by the time a child is around two and a half years.
You may have also heard that teething causes DIARRHEA, FEVER, RASHES, and a whole host of other problems, but research shows that symptoms are quite mild (those on the list). Assuming that the cause of fever, diarrhea, and/or rashes is teething may lead doctors or parents to miss possible illness or infection that requires treatment.
We should not just visit the dentist when we experience discomfort/pain. Remember, regular dental visits help to keep your teeth and gums healthy! We can also prevent worsening of already starting cavities because the earlier we catch it, the better the prognosis!